Nanay Victoria: A Seamstress of Timeless Talent

While trends come and go, a true gem transcends time. And a gem is exactly what Nanay Victoria is. Nanay (“Mother”) Victoria is a veteran seamstress and a master of her craft whose journey in creating fashion spans five decades. With every stitch, she weaves a tale of dedication, passion, and the enduring allure of artistry.

A Stitch in Time: 50 Years of Sewing Mastery

It’s been over 50 years since Nanay Victoria first picked up the first needle that changed her life forever and gave direction to an impressive career. Each stitch she has done thereafter became a testament to her unwavering dedication and boundless passion.

Her first taste of success came when Nanay Victoria began working for an international company in the Philippines. Even as she worked locally, her hands fashioned exquisite ballroom gowns destined for the glamorous streets of New York, making her dreams of dressing the fashionable crowd, usually just seen on television, a reality.

Family, Inspiration, and Legacy

Behind Nanay Victoria’s needlework lies a profound source of inspiration: her family. Through her skill, she was able to provide for her loved ones and send her children to school, paving a better life for the next generation. 

Ageless Artistry: A Testament to Talent

For Nanay Victoria, age is but a number. Her unwavering commitment to her craft serves as a beacon of inspiration, especially in Tahche Studios and the artisans she mentors, proving that talent knows no bounds and that true artistry only deepens with time.

Now, she is still able to earn an income even at her advanced age. Truly as long as you can work and you have the passion for your craft, you can and should still be able to continue to do what you love. And Tahche Studios supports that fully.  

Words of Wisdom: Advice for Aspiring Seamstresses

With a heart as generous as her talent, Nanay Victoria shares invaluable advice for those embarking on their sewing journey. 

“Love your work,” she said, and “Learn to work harmoniously with your coworkers.” 

In Nanay Victoria, Tahche Studios finds not just a seamstress, but a symbol of timeless talent and enduring grace. Her story reminds us that true artistry transcends trends, weaving a tapestry of beauty, skill, and above all, heart.

Watch her interview here:

If you wish to work with an organization that is passionate about fashion and supporting women of all ages, hire with us. With Tahche Studios, you can do fashion with a heart.

Roseanne Cruz

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